Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Here are some other freeze frames we made.

The Arts Term 4 2012

We are learning about freeze frames in drama for The Arts this term.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Painting our divas

We spent time this week learning about Diwali, an Indian celebration. We made divas out of clay and painted them. At home an adult could put a tea light candle in them to help celebrate the festival.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Using the i-pads and computers for cooperative writing

Here are some photographs of us working in pairs to write a report about the eclipse of the moon that we looked at yesterday using special glasses. You should never look straight at the sun.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Term 4 2012

Wow its our last term together! Today we had our big planting day where we planted vegetables in the school vegetable garden. How exciting. It is part of our SURVIVOR CHALLENGE topic where we are learning how to survive by growing our own vegetables! Hazel and Emily were the photographers from Room 2. They did a great job! Now we just need to care for our crops and wait for them to produce some healthy vegetables for us to eat at our picnic at Caroline Bay.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Buddies this week

We love the spring and we love our buddies! Look our we enjoyed both this week.