Monday, March 26, 2012

Our wonderful portraits

To finish our Visual Arts topic for the term we did portraits with Mrs Cuthbertson. She made a beautiful bus to display our portraits. We are in the bus on the way to the museum and the wetlands.

26th March 2012 What an exciting day~ enjoy our photos.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Our new computer game.

This is the link to our classroom computers games for week 9 and week 10 of term 1 2012. Try it at home too. It is lots of fun!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Monday, March 12, 2012

Seaweek at Caroline Bay

We had a fantastic day at Caroline Bay today learning so much about our environment. Thanks to Hilary Isles from Enviroschools for teaching us. Thanks too to Nikki Walter, Carol Lovely and Suzanne Cavangh our mothers who came and helped us. Here are some great photos of our interesting activities.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Week 7 of Term 1

For the next two weeks we are going to be using this website in the classroom. It has great stories on it and activities to go with the stories. I will tell you the username and password tomorrow.  I will show you how to use the website tomorrow, too.This website will help our maths and reading.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Our Timeline of Timaru

Here is a timeline of the history of Timaru. We made it togther. Parents ask your child to tell you what a timeline is and what important things happened in Timaru and when. If you are coming to the SLC's on Friday you will see the timeline in the shared space.

The Fair Cupcake Stall

We had a great time decorating cupcakes for the school fair! Thanks so much to the wonderful parents and grandparents who helped us raise money for the school.